Healthy guiltless snack food delivered to your doorstep
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Fresh Pineapple with your choice of greek yogurt, low fat milk or soy milk soaked in organic chia seed and digestives at the bottom. Greek Yogurt : 449 Kcal Low Fat Milk : 392 Kcal Soy Milk: 405 Kcal
Mango based organic chia seed with jelly and fresh strawberries. Greek Yogurt : 416 Kcal Low Fat Milk : 359 Kcal Soy Milk: 342 Kcal
Organic Chia seed pudding with coffee, oreo, coffee syrup and toasted almonds. Low Fat Milk : 495 Kcal Soy Milk: 478 Kcal
Fresh Pineapple with your choice of greek yogurt, low fat milk or soy milk soaked in organic chia seed and jelly at the bottom. Greek Yogurt : 337 Kcal Low Fat Milk : 280 Kcal Soy Milk: 263 Kcal